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Kids & Family

Registration Now Open for 2nd Annual Church Tavern Biathlon

The race takes place on Labor Day and starts at the St. John's Episcopal Church in South Salem.

Area cyclists and runners are invited to test their skills at the second annual Church Tavern Biathlon to be held on Labor Day, September 3, 2012.  The event begins at 9:30 a.m. at St. John’s Episcopal Church, 82 Spring Street in South Salem. 
The course consists of a seven-mile bike ride up Church Tavern Road and past Lake Truesdale, followed by a four-mile run up Church Tavern and back to the finish line, all on secondary roadways. The race and the course’s largest hill are namesakes of a former St. John’s Church building that served as a colonial-era pub, the “Church Tavern.”  
Participants can compete individually or as two-person relay teams.  All finishers will receive medals and top finishers will be awarded engraved silver tankards, with additional prizes by age category.  At the finish line, racers and supporters will celebrate with a free barbecue in the churchyard, featuring a kids’ play area and live music by Quadrasaurus.
The Church Tavern Biathlon is presented by . Proceeds from the event, which raised more than $1,500 from 70+ entrants last year, benefit three of St. John’s outreach programs: Carpenter’s Kids, supporting Tanzanian HIV/AIDS orphans; The Wounded Warrior Project, aiding injured service members; and The Community Center of Northern Westchester, helping those in need with food, clothing and services.

Says St. John’s Vestry member and Race Director Brian Stempel, “The Church Tavern Biathlon was conceived as an outreach event with the dual goals of creating a fun community experience and promoting three very worthy causes.  We're excited about the opportunity to support our charities again this year, and we welcome all ages and ability levels to work the hills and celebrate with us this Labor Day.”
The Church Tavern Biathlon’s 2012 sponsors include Agent Mike Berardino, ; Dr. Stuart Weitzman, ; ; Pacific Swim/Bike/Run; The David Family; Nancy Hogan, CPA; Dr. Douglas A. Treyz, DMD; Melange Wines; The Neu Group; Doreen Riser, Therapeutic Acupuncture & Wellness; and Nature's Temptations.
For more information or to register, visit

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